Farm Fresh and Fatal

Judy Hogan

Monday Morning, April 1, 2002.  A fight broke out during the second market, but the first day of the first farmers’ market in Riverdell went relatively smoothly.  The third market was when the murder occurred.

Penny and Kenneth were searching madly for snails in the lettuce when Nora Fisher, their new market’s manager, drove her yellow pickup in and parked near their garage apartment.  “You go talk to her,” Kenneth said.  “I’ll keep checking the Romaine.  The red lettuce was the hardest.  All those curlicues.”  He was moving slowly on hands and knees down the rows they’d cultivated with the rototiller only the night before.

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2 thoughts on “Farm Fresh and Fatal

  1. B.K. Stevens

    Thanks for contributing a guest post, Judy! I enjoyed the first two pages of your novel and found your comments about your strategy illuminating.

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