Following Where the Road Leads

Art Taylor

When I first wrote “Rearview Mirror,” the opening story in my novel in stories On the Road with Del & Louise (currently a finalist for the Agatha Award for Best First Novel), I had no idea that these characters would have life beyond that initial adventure. The goal in my mind was to finish a single story, not to start a whole book.

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7 thoughts on “Following Where the Road Leads

  1. Art Taylor

    Thanks so much for hosting me, Bonnie! It’s always tremendous fun to turn a different kind of eye on your own writing–melding the craftperson’s eye with a more analytical eye to get a different perspective. I very much enjoyed, and hope others will as well!

  2. Kaye George

    I get so much out of all of these. I was struck by you saying you don’t do much voice-driven fiction, Art. I have a couple of pieces like that, that were dictated to me from somewhere in my head (or somewhere, anyway), so now I have a term for them. I hope to pick up your book at Malice and get it signed! Thanks for the post.

  3. Art Taylor

    Thanks, Kaye! We always talk about how characters can drive plot–taking us places we didn’t plan to go with a plot maybe. But the voice thing is a big part of that as well. Glad to hear you’ve had similar experiences here! And I try not to question where they’re coming from… Maybe don’t want to know…. 🙂

    And thanks to about interest in the book. I’d be happy to sign–of course!

  4. Vinnie Hansen

    Hi Art–I keep seeing your name everywhere I turn. It was a pleasure to read a bit of your work. Now I see what all the buzz is about. Off to put On the Road with Del & Louise on my Goodreads To-Read list.

  5. Art Taylor

    Thanks for the note, Vinnie! And I hope that ubiquity is a good thing in this case–and that you enjoy the book when you get to it! Thanks for checking in here. 🙂

  6. Pingback: Malice, Chesapeake Crimes, and More – Art Taylor

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