Hunted by the Past PSY-IV Teams #1

Jami Gray

I started my writing career weaving tales of magic and mayhem in the Urban Fantasy genre. Three books in on my UF series, I decided it was time to shake things up by tackling the first book in my Paranormal Romantic Suspense series, The PSY-IV Teams. HUNTED BY THE PAST came about because as a writer the best way for me to stretch my creative muscles is to try new things. These self-imposed challenges can range from telling the story from a difficult point of view, creating a unique or unusual setting, switching up my genre, or adding twists even I couldn’t predict.

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3 thoughts on “Hunted by the Past PSY-IV Teams #1

  1. Jami Gray

    Thank you, BK, for letting me steal some time from your readers. I hope they enjoy this trek behind the scenes as much as I did.

  2. Beth Fine

    Linda Thorne’s essay on Hooks and Grabbers could be used for a creative writing workshop if not college course. She not only writes good fiction, but her explanations of why and how to write impressed me as well. Having read “Just Another Termination,” knowing the outcomes, and then going back to the first two pages, I saw Thorne reveal her solid writing method. I can’t wait for the next Judy Kenagy mystery.

  3. Jami Gray

    Thank you, Beth, for the wonderful recommendation to Linda’s book. I’m always on the look out for new sources of information, so I’ll be sure to check this out.

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