Prologue–To Have or Not To Have?

Marla Madison

She’s Not There, a novel of suspense and my first novel, has a 4.2 Star rating on after more than 600 reviews, and is the first novel in the successful TJ Peacock & Lisa Rayburn suspense series.

The story begins when psychologist Lisa Rayburn discovers abused women are disappearing at a rate too high to be a coincidence. I felt that this discovery by my main character through a group of statistics would not be an engaging enough start for a suspense story, so I decided to do a prologue that introduced the killer.

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3 thoughts on “Prologue–To Have or Not To Have?

  1. B.K. Stevens

    Marla, thanks so much for contributing this post. You give writers some helpful guidelines to consider when deciding whether or not to begin with a prologue. And I think readers will agree that your own prologue is definitely suspenseful!

  2. Gayle Bartos-Pool

    I like a good prologue, especially when they act as an appetizer for the rest of the book. In your opening, the reader has to know the two parts are linked. Now he/she can sit back and discover why the driver wanted to die.

  3. Marla Madison

    Right. I like prologues too. Funny how often you go back and reread them as you go along! I haven’t used one in my other books, but will if it seems to fit.
    Nice to hear from you, Gayle.

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