Going Deeper in the Opening Scene

C. T. Collier

Have you ever performed a ritual to let go of something you once valued but have lost? The impulse to use a ceremony or ritual to mark a transition, such as “letting go,” is universal, and it’s part of the hook that draws the reader into my current mystery, Planted.

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6 thoughts on “Going Deeper in the Opening Scene

  1. Amy M. Reade

    Well, you hooked me. I want to know more about the gun, the people who used to live in the house, the people who live there now, and why the gun was buried the way it was. “How do I make this work?” is something I’m often asking myself, and sometimes it’s necessary to get creative in the presentation of a story to work around the problem.

    Having gone to school in Ithaca, I’m anxious to read a story set among the Finger Lakes!

  2. Kate Collier

    Amy and Joanne, I’m so excited you came by and commented! Planted is now available on Nook as well as Kindle and in print. Hope you enjoy the Penningtons’ first mystery! Amy, I grew up at the north end of Cayuga Lake, in Seneca Falls. Had a killer crush on a guy from Cornell, but that’s a different story 🙂

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