First Two Pages Blog- The Centaur Project, Short Story

Janice Law

I wrote The Centaur Project, published this spring in Enter the Apocalypse (Tanstaafl Press) many years ago. I thought it was a good story (I am often under that misapprehension) but while a couple of editors admired it, no one offered to give it a home. By the time I looked at it again, my computer no longer recognized the word processing program and I had to retype the whole thing.

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4 thoughts on “First Two Pages Blog- The Centaur Project, Short Story

  1. B.K. Stevens

    Thanks for contributing this post, Janice! The story sounds fascinating. One of my daughters is an American Sign Language interpreter–I’ll have to tell her about the story. I think she’ll be charmed by the idea of a centaur who knows ASL!

  2. Linda Thorne

    This was good. I also read your story, A Domestic Incident, in Alfred Hitchcock a while back. I’ll look for your name in AHMM in the future.

  3. Janice law

    Thanks for your kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the AHMM story. I have been fortunate to be published there frequently with the Madame Selena stories

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