The First Two Pages: “Most Evil”

Peter DiChellis

I was crazy-happy (still am) when I learned the editors at Level Best Books accepted my supernatural mystery story “Most Evil” for their anthology of law enforcement tales, BUSTED! Arresting Stories from the Beat (released in April). It’s a pleasure to give a peek behind the curtain at The First Two Pages.

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5 thoughts on “The First Two Pages: “Most Evil”

  1. B.K. Stevens Post author

    Thanks for contributing this post, Peter. I think your opening paragraphs do a remarkably effective job of raising the questions and creating the expectations you describe.

  2. Peter DiChellis

    Thanks so much, Bonnie. I love your blog concept, really enjoy reading authors’ posts here, and I’m delighted to join in.

    Best wishes,

  3. Earl Staggs

    Well, Peter, you certainly pulled me into the story by planting questions in my head. Now I want to read the rest of the story. I sure don’t want to die with unanswered quesitons swirling between my ears.

  4. Peter DiChellis

    Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Earl. If only our biggest unanswered questions were found on the pages of mystery fiction!

    Best wishes,

  5. Linda Thorne

    I always think of this blog as a place for novels and forgot all the wonderful short stories posted here with their first two pages. You’ve offered us the whole story too. The clown character steals-the-show (at least in the part you’ve given to us here). Good job.

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